Generations Facing Forward

Day 6 in the fascinating Reverb 15 process.

Today’s prompt came from Cindy Mearns. Cindy writes:

As each year progresses, we unknowingly gather many thoughts, beliefs, and patterns to us. In fact, what we are carrying may have been passed down to us from previous generations.

Looking at the thoughts and patterns that may be holding you back from living the life you want, trace back through the generations of your family and see if your beliefs originated generations ago.

In 2016, how can you bring healing to these patterns of thought that are holding you back?


Transformation and inner connection have been a guiding focus of my life. I am deeply grateful to those who lit the way for me, shared their skilled insights, gently and patiently walked me over the places my life narrowed, into spaciousness. I know how far reaching transformation is, that it’s magic sparkles not only in my life but in life yet to come and lives past. Mine and others.

Bringing consciousness to our heritage allows making choices and releasing old stories.  We see and connect with all that forms our ancestral foundations through our own unique filters, perspectives, new stories and old understandings. There is a powerful magic in those connections. Those connections can open us to the strengths, energy, determination, courage, dreams, gifts, wonder and awe of our ancestral lineage. We get to choose.

Thinking about ancestral patterns, what their limitations and gifts are, I open the door to see how they can best serve me. Sifting through the past I focus on finding the gifts and blessings while allowing the dust and ash of what no longer serves, to blow away. For now, I’m focusing on the strengths of the women in my lineage.  Like so many in the US, they were pioneers and indigenous, they were risk takers, they bridged worlds and found their own paths, they acted on opportunities, they brought great heart to their lives, forged new communities, created innovative solutions and saw new possibilities. These are great gifts to be going forward with.  I’ll hold them lightly so I too can create a new year releasing limitation and embracing possibility.

Thank you Cindy, this has been a wonderful excursion into the generations.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Your ancestors would be proud – both that you recognize their strengths and the gifts they carried AND how beautifully you’ve welcomed and developed those same strengths in yourself.


  2. JyllianM says:

    This is such a wonderful way to look at it. I have had to focus so long on the bad things passed along, I haven’t been able to look for the good. I am so tired of the bad things and no longer(mostly)angry. This is definitely worth reading again. Thank you.


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